Today, the downtown area of Sao Paulo had power cut for at least 5 hours. This power cut hasn't been announced, as the electrical company - Eletropaulo - usually does when perform maintenace, generally at the sundays. Therefore, the power cut must have happened due to some sort of damage. In this region, things absurd like this happen all the time. With indignant, I decided to do this video. IMAGINE DURING THE WORLD CUP!
Aliás, falando um pouco sobre apagões, tem gente que está propondo justamente isso: ligar todos os aparelhos elétricos de casa para sobrecarregar a rede durante o hino nacional no início dos jogos. O objetivo dessas pessoas é deixar a presidente Dilma com cara de merda (o que faz disso, portanto, uma ótima ideia).
By the way, speaking a little about power cuts, there are people proposing exactly this: to turn on all electrical apparatus at home to overload the network during the national anthem at the beggining of the games. The objective of these people is to leave president Dilma with a face like shit (what makes this, therefore, a great idea).
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