Estou sem
palavras. E nem sei por onde começar. O episódio 9 da 6ª temporada foi
realmente de tirar o fôlego! Toda vez que a série volta a ser exibida deve ser
um desafio enorme para a equipe de produção criar algo sempre novo e chocante
para atrair a atenção do público.
I'm speechless. And I do not even know where to start. The episode 9 of season 6 was really breathtaking! Every time the series back to be displayed must be a huge challenge for the production team to always create something new and shocking to attract public attention.
começar pela morte da família Anderson, que morreu completamente. Jessie, Ron e
Sam estavam dentro da casa com Rick, Carl, Michonne, Padre Gabriel, a bebê
Judith e a Deanna, sendo que esta última já havia sido mordida por um zumbi.
Pediu uma arma para cometer o suicídio, mas resolveu gastar a munição contra os
zumbis. A esta altura, todos os demais já estavam usando ponchos ensopados de
tripas de zumbis para poder sair da casa e buscar refúgio em outro lugar. Se
Ron não tivesse atacado Carl, os zumbis não teriam dado atenção àquele lugar e
não teriam invadido. De qualquer forma, já estava nos planos do Rick bolar
algum jeito de sair dali, cedo ou tarde.
Let's start with the death of the Anderson family, who died completely. Jessie, Ron and Sam were inside the house with Rick, Carl, Michonne, Father Gabriel, the baby Judith and Deanna, being this last one bitten by a zombie. She has asked for a gun to commit suicide, but decided to spend the ammunition against zombies. At this point, all the others were already using soaked ponchos with zombie guts to get out of the house and seek refuge elsewhere. If Ron had not attacked Carl, the zombies would not have paid attention to the place and would not have invaded. Anyway, Rick was already in the plans come up with some way to get out sooner or later.
Let's start with the death of the Anderson family, who died completely. Jessie, Ron and Sam were inside the house with Rick, Carl, Michonne, Father Gabriel, the baby Judith and Deanna, being this last one bitten by a zombie. She has asked for a gun to commit suicide, but decided to spend the ammunition against zombies. At this point, all the others were already using soaked ponchos with zombie guts to get out of the house and seek refuge elsewhere. If Ron had not attacked Carl, the zombies would not have paid attention to the place and would not have invaded. Anyway, Rick was already in the plans come up with some way to get out sooner or later.
tiveram que sair às pressas. O plano era ir até onde as armas de fogo da
comunidade eram guardadas – o arsenal. No meio do caminho, Rick mudou de ideia
e resolveu ir até os veículos perto da pedreira e usá-los para atrair a atenção
dos zumbis e leva-los para longe dali, o que era seu plano original desde
quando os localizou pela primeira vez, no dia em que foram enterrar o corpo de
Pete Anderson.
Then they had to leave in a hurry. The plan was to go as far as the community firearms were kept - the arsenal. Along the way, Rick changed his mind and decided to go to the vehicle near the quarry and use them to attract the attention of zombies and takes them away, what was your original plan from when spotted for the first time, the day they were to bury the body of Pete Anderson.
altura, o Padre Gabriel se voluntaria para levar a bebê Judith até a igreja, um
lugar seguro. Jessie também insiste que Sam o acompanhe, mas o garoto se recusa
e insiste em ficar ao lado da mãe. O motivo? Ele só se sente seguro ao lado
dela. Mas o garoto não percebe a gravidade da situação, tanto das
circunstâncias, como também do seu estado emocional. Ele estava traumatizado
pelas ameaças da Carol. Foram as palavras dela que Sam se lembrou e o fizeram
chorar, desencadeando uma sequência triste de eventos no qual levou a família
inteira à morte e Carl ser ferido no olho.
At that time, Father Gabriel volunteers to take the baby Judith to the church: a safe place. Jessie also insists that Sam to accompany him, but the boy refuses and insists on staying beside her mother. The reason? He only feels safe with her. But the boy does not realize the seriousness of the situation, both on the circumstances, as well as their emotional state. He was traumatized by the threat of Carol. Were her words that Sam remembered and made him cry, triggering a sad sequence of events in which it took the whole family to death and Carl being hurt in the eye.
At that time, Father Gabriel volunteers to take the baby Judith to the church: a safe place. Jessie also insists that Sam to accompany him, but the boy refuses and insists on staying beside her mother. The reason? He only feels safe with her. But the boy does not realize the seriousness of the situation, both on the circumstances, as well as their emotional state. He was traumatized by the threat of Carol. Were her words that Sam remembered and made him cry, triggering a sad sequence of events in which it took the whole family to death and Carl being hurt in the eye.
Poderia ser
evitado? Acredito que sim. Rick ficou completamente em silêncio perante a
insistência da Jessie de seu filho acompanhar o Padre. Se ele tivesse
insistido, o garoto teria concordado e ido. Aliás, o ideal era que todas as
crianças tivessem acompanhado o padre, inclusive a Jessie, que, por mais que
tenha sido corajosa, ela confiava demais no Rick e nunca viu quem ele era
Could that be avoided? I believe it could. Rick was completely silent at the insistence of his son Jessie follow Father. If he had insisted the boy would have agreed and gone. In fact, the ideal was that all children had accompanied the priest, including Jessie, who, as much as it was courageous, she trusted too much in Rick and never saw who he really was.
Could that be avoided? I believe it could. Rick was completely silent at the insistence of his son Jessie follow Father. If he had insisted the boy would have agreed and gone. In fact, the ideal was that all children had accompanied the priest, including Jessie, who, as much as it was courageous, she trusted too much in Rick and never saw who he really was.
Ou Rick
Grimes é um inconsequente, ou as coisas aconteceram justamente como ele queria.
Quando Spencer Monroe caiu do muro, ele disse para a Deanna que ao invés de ter
salvado o filho dela, ele poderia ter se aproveitado da oportunidade para sair
correndo dali. Talvez tenha sido este pensamento que tenha ocorrido na cabeça
do Rick: o de usar os filhos da Deanna como iscas para salvar sua família e o
lugar em que pretendia criá-los.
Either Rick Grimes is a reckless, or things happened exactly as he wanted. When Spencer Monroe fell off the wall, he said to Deanna that instead of having saved her son, he could have taken advantage of the opportunity to rush out there. Maybe it was the thought that occurred to the head of Rick: the use of children as decoys Deanna to save his family and the place where we wanted to create them.
Acho bastante
possível isto, já que até aquele momento Rick via os residentes de Alexandria como
um bando de fracos e despreparados, só confiava no seu pessoal. Ele tinha
sentido que houve uma disputa entre Ron e Carl e usar os filhos da Jessie seria
trágico, mas conveniente para quem pretende consolar uma mulher pela qual está
apaixonado. Pela sequência de imagens que ocorreram durante o momento em que a
família Anderson foi atacada, Rick só sentia algo pela Jessie e nada pelos
filhos dela.
I think quite possible that, since up to that time Rick saw the residents of Alexandria as a bunch of weak and unprepared, only trusted personnel. He had felt that there was a dispute between Ron and Carl and use the children of Jessie would be tragic, but convenient for those who want comfort one woman he is in love. The sequence of images that occurred during the time when the Anderson family was attacked, Rick just felt something for nothing by Jessie and her children.
Então esta
foi a sequência dos fatos: Sam chorou, atraiu os zumbis e foi atacado. Ao ver o
filho ser atacado, Jessie não se conteve e começou a gritar, em crise, sendo
que seus gritos foram ouvidos pelos zumbis, que também a atacaram. Como Jessie
estava segurando o Carl pelo braço, Rick decide amputar o braço da Jessie para
salvar o Carl. Diante desta cena, Ron resolve se vingar e aponta uma arma para
o Carl e Rick (engraçado, ele não havia sido desarmado pelo Carl antes, dentro
do quarto?). De qualquer forma, esta arma estava na mão dele. O tempo para. Antes
de tomar a decisão de atirar, um disparo acidental ocorreu quando Michonne
resolveu enterrar sua espada no garoto Ron, pelas costas. Tudo para salvar o
So this was the sequence of events: Sam cried, attracted the zombies and was attacked. To see his son being attacked, Jessie could not contain himself and began shouting in crisis, and their cries were heard by the zombies, which also attacked. How Jessie was holding the Carl's arm, Rick decides to amputate his arm to save Jessie from Carl. Faced with this scene, Ron decides to take revenge and points a gun at the Carl and Rick (Funny, he had not been disarmed by Carl before, inside the room?). Anyway, this weapon was in his hand. The time stops. Before deciding to shoot, an accidental shooting occurred when Michonne decided to bury his sword into the boy Ron in the back. All to save Carl ...
Carol e
Michonne tem um sentimento estranho com relação ao Rick e ao Carl. É como se
elas devessem algo por eles. Rick também tem sentimento semelhante pelas duas.
Com relação à Carol, ele se sentiu mal depois que foi salvo por ela em
Terminus. Rick só começou a sentir-se bem pela amizade de Michonne porque foi
seu filho quem aprovou a permanência dela na prisão West Georgia.
Carol and Michonne have a strange feeling in relation to Rick and Carl. It's like they owed something for them. Rick also has similar feeling between the two. With respect to Carol, he felt bad after she was saved by her in Terminus. Rick just started feeling good friendship of Michonne because it was his son who approved the permanence of it in prison West Georgia.
Carol and Michonne have a strange feeling in relation to Rick and Carl. It's like they owed something for them. Rick also has similar feeling between the two. With respect to Carol, he felt bad after she was saved by her in Terminus. Rick just started feeling good friendship of Michonne because it was his son who approved the permanence of it in prison West Georgia.
O Rick
Grimes da primeira temporada já morreu faz tempo. O que sobrou foi uma espécie
de Shane dentro do corpo do Rick. Toda situação é uma espécie de “vale tudo”
para manter a vida do Carl a salvo. Nem
mesmo quando eles pisaram na prisão West Georgia no primeiro dia, quando Lori
estava grávida da Judith, ele não estava se dando bem com a esposa. De lá para cá foram algumas fases de bem-estar
interrompidas por ataques de estranhos e assassinos manipuladores como o
Governador, o pessoal de Terminus, os Lobos e por aí vai tornando-se uma pessoa
imprevisível e perigosa por quem está por perto.
Rick Grimes' first season has been dead a long time. What was left was a kind of Shane in the body of Rick. Every situation is a sort of "anything goes" to maintain the life of Carl safe. Even when they stepped in prison West Georgia on the first day, when Lori was pregnant with Judith, he was not getting along with his wife. Since then were some phases of welfare interrupted by strange attacks and manipulative killers like the Governor, Terminus of the staff, the Wolves and so on becoming an unpredictable and dangerous person by those around.
A morte de
Ron muito se assemelha quando Rick, Darryl e Michone invadiram um casebre no
meio do mato e matou um morador assustado para que ele parasse de gritar. É uma
forma dela mostrar o quanto é durona, e até onde está disposta a ir para
mostrar sua lealdade ao Rick. Michonne tem sede de ser aceita no grupo e pelo
Ron's death very similar when Rick, Daryl and Michone raided a hut in the woods and killed a resident scared him to stop screaming. It is a form of it show how tough, and how far are willing to go to show their loyalty to Rick. Michonne thirsts to be accepted in the group and by Rick.
A Carol é
outra que mudou bastante e seus traumas são diferentes. Ela vê o Rick como um marido
perfeito. Sua maior satisfação seria ser a mulher perfeita para ele: sabe
cozinhar, sabe atirar e matar quando preciso. Demonstra o mesmo tipo de frieza
que a Michonne e não acredita na bondade humana, como o Morgan. Pequenas
características existentes nos outros que a incomodam podem fazer a diferença
entre ela ser uma amiga ou uma inimiga. Carol não gosta de fumantes, logo,
matou uma mulher só porque ela tinha sido esfaqueada por um da gangue dos Lobos.
Será que não lhe ocorreu que a mulher poderia ter sido salva? Ou será que, além
de ser fumante, ela irritava a todos por causa de uma máquina de fazer
spaghetti, e por isso tinha que morrer? Como confiar neste tipo de gente?
Carol is one that has changed a lot and their traumas are different. She sees Rick as a perfect husband. His greatest satisfaction would be the perfect woman for him: cook, can shoot and kill when necessary. Demonstrates the same kind of coldness that Michonne and does not believe in human goodness, like Morgan. Small existing characteristics in others that bother can make the difference between it be a friend or an enemy. Carol does not like smoking, just killed a woman just because she had been stabbed by a gang of wolves. It did not occur to him that the woman could have been saved? Or is that in addition to being a smoker, she annoyed everyone because of a spaghetti maker, and therefore had to die? How can anyone trust this kind of people?
Morgan, por
outro lado, pertence ao mundo normal. Um mundo de pessoas que cometem erros e
aprende com eles. Morgan é o tipo de vizinho que todos gostariam de ter. Salvou
um perturbado mental e acredito que o rapaz até não queria matar a médica, mas
acabou sendo morto pela Carol. Simples assim, não interessa para ela se o rapaz
tinha apresentado melhoras de comportamento, mas o que interessa é que o rapaz
pague pelo que aconteceu na comunidade no dia em que sua gangue invadiu e matou
pessoas inocentes.
Morgan, furthermore, belong to the normal world. A world of people who make mistakes and learn from them. Morgan is the kind of neighbor that everyone would like to have. Saved a mentally disturbed and believe that the boy did not even want to kill the doctor, but was killed by Carol. Simple, it does not matter to her if the boy had shown improvement in behavior, but what matters is that the boy pay for what happened in the community on the day his gang invaded and killed innocent people.
Morgan, furthermore, belong to the normal world. A world of people who make mistakes and learn from them. Morgan is the kind of neighbor that everyone would like to have. Saved a mentally disturbed and believe that the boy did not even want to kill the doctor, but was killed by Carol. Simple, it does not matter to her if the boy had shown improvement in behavior, but what matters is that the boy pay for what happened in the community on the day his gang invaded and killed innocent people.
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