Ontem houve um ato em defesa dos professores e da educação brasileira. O protesto foi composto de professores e adeptos do Black Bloc. A multidão carregou uma faixa preta com as palavras “Luto Educação”. As pessoas partiram do vão livre do MASP, e percorreram em direção a Rua da Consolação. Houve um princípio de confusão antes de chegar ao fim da avenida, situação esta em que não entendi o que ocorreu. Mais adiante, e já na rua da consolação, os manifestantes pararam em frente a estação de metro Linha 4- Amarela onde fizeram vários discurso, entre eles, o Vitor Araújo, rapaz que ficou cego de um olho no dia 7/09. Confira o vídeo abaixo para ver o que ele disse:
Yesterday there was an act in defense of teachers and education in Brazil. The protest was composed of teachers and supporters of the Black Bloc. The crowd carried a black banner with the words "Grief Education". People left the span of MASP, and walked toward the Consolação St. There was a principle of confusion before reaching the end of the Paulista Av., a situation that did not understand what happened. Later, on the Consolação St., protesters stopped in front of Subway Station Line 4 - Yellow where they made several speaches, between them, Vitor Araújo, the guy who was blind in one eye on September 7th, 2013. Check out the video below to see what he said:
Yesterday there was an act in defense of teachers and education in Brazil. The protest was composed of teachers and supporters of the Black Bloc. The crowd carried a black banner with the words "Grief Education". People left the span of MASP, and walked toward the Consolação St. There was a principle of confusion before reaching the end of the Paulista Av., a situation that did not understand what happened. Later, on the Consolação St., protesters stopped in front of Subway Station Line 4 - Yellow where they made several speaches, between them, Vitor Araújo, the guy who was blind in one eye on September 7th, 2013. Check out the video below to see what he said:
Durante todo o trajeto, os manifestantes entoaram palavras de ordem em defesa dos professores, contra a indiferença entre aqueles que não participam das manifestações, contra a polícia militar, contra a Copa de 2014 e contra os governadores de SP e RJ Alckmin e Cabral. Abaixo são algumas dessas palavras de ordem:
Along the way, the protesters chanted slogans in defense of teachers, against indifference among those not participating in the demonstrations, against the military police, against the 2014 World Cup in Brazil and against the rulers of SP and RJ Alckmin and Cabral. Below are some of these slogans:
Along the way, the protesters chanted slogans in defense of teachers, against indifference among those not participating in the demonstrations, against the military police, against the 2014 World Cup in Brazil and against the rulers of SP and RJ Alckmin and Cabral. Below are some of these slogans:
“O professor é meu amigo,
mexeu com ele,
mexeu comigo”
"The teacher is my friend,
messed with him,
stuck with me"
"The teacher is my friend,
messed with him,
stuck with me"
"Não estudou,
Tem que estudar,
Pra não virar,
Polícia Militar."
"Not studied,
Have to study,
Not to turn,
Military Police. "
"Da Copa, da Copa
Da Copa eu abro mão
Eu quero meu dinheiro
Na saúde e educação."
"The World Cup, the World Cup
Of the World Cup I open hand
I want my money
In health and education. "
"Não acabou,
Tem que acabar,
Eu quero o fim,
Da Polícia Militar."
"It's not over,
Has to end,
I want the order,
Military Police. "
Não vai mudar."
It will not change. "
"Ô balancê, balancê,
Escuta o que vou te dizer:
Geraldo fascista, vai se foder,
E leva o Cabral com você."
"Oh shake it shake it
Listen to what I tell you:
Geraldo fascist, fuck you,
And Cabral takes with you."
"Polícia, fascista,
Não passarão."
"Police, fascist,
Not pass away. "
"Deixa passar,
A revolta popular."
"Lets it go through,
The popular uprising. "
"Lets it go through,
The popular uprising. "
"Polícia, fascista,
Capacho imperialista."
"Police, fascist,
Imperialist doormat."
"Police, fascist,
Imperialist doormat."
A marcha seguiu seu rumo até a Secretaria de Educação do Estado de SP, localizada na Praça da República, no centro de São Paulo. Lá, vários professores fizeram discursos. Confira o vídeo abaixo para saber quais foram estes discursos:
The march followed its course to the Department of Education of the State of São Paulo, located on Praça da Republica in the center of São Paulo. There, several teachers made speeches. Check out the video below to learn what were these speeches:
O manifestante conhecido como Piauí também pediu para gravar e divulgar suas ideias, transmitidas em um discurso que pode ser conferido no vídeo abaixo:
The protester known as Piauí asked to record and disseminate his ideas, conveyed in a speech that can be seen on the video below:
The protester known as Piauí asked to record and disseminate his ideas, conveyed in a speech that can be seen on the video below:
"[...] Do mesmo jeito o governo investe na repressão, que investisse numa educação de qualidade. Do mesmo jeito que o estado brasileiro investe na PM, investisse na saúde, para não ter que estar precisando buscar médicos no exterior. Porque polícia, sobra, agora vai num posto de saúde procurar um médico e não tem. As escolas estão sucateadas. A impunidade no Brasil está daquele jeito. A turma do Mensalão, ninguém foi para a prisão. E a polícia está aí, perseguindo pessoas que querem um Brasil melhor. Aqui ninguém está para vandalizar. Aqui estamos para mudar. Porque não é com polícia que nós vamos mudar a história do Brasil. É uma vergonha. É uma vergonha. Olha, eu vou mandar um alô para os governantes desse país, inclusive para a polícia. Na hora que vocês quiserem jogar bomba, joguem no palácio onde está o Alckmin. Vou mandar outro alô para a polícia: Quando vocês quiserem jogar bomba, joguem no meio dos mensaleiros. Cadê o dinheiro [roubado] do metrô? Geraldo Alckmin, cadê o dinheiro do metrô? Cadê o dinheiro do metrô? O povo anda [no metrô] igual sardinha, dentro dos ônibus, dentro dos trens, tem trens quebrando. Mas polícia? Polícia tem. Acabar, eles querem que nós cantemos o hino nacional, olha aqui pra vocês [aponta o dedo]. Olha gente, eu mesmo não tenho prazer de estar nas ruas me manifestando não. Mas enquanto eu ver, no meu país, a impunidade, eu vou protestar."
"[...] In the same way the government invests in the repression against people, which invested in a better quality education. Likewise the Brazilian state invests in PM, invest in health, not having to be in need to seek medical abroad. Because police, we have got plenty, now go in a clinic and see if you get a doctor there. Schools are scrapped. impunity in Brazil is like that. The gang of Mensalão, no one went to jail. And the police are there, chasing people who want a better Brazil. Nobody here is to vandalize. We're here to change. It is not with the police that we will change the history of Brazil. It's a shame. It's a shame. Look, I'll send a hello to the rulers of this country, including the police: the time you want to throw bombs, do it over the palace where's the Alckmin. I'll send another hello to the police: when you want to throw bombs, do it over the mensaleiros. Where's the money [stolen] from the subway? Geraldo Alckmin, where's the money from the subway? Where's the money from the subway ? The people are walking [in the subway] like sardines, and also inside the buses, inside the trains. Trains are breaking. But police? Police we have plenty. To end, they want us to sing the national anthem, look here for you [points finger]. Look guys, I myself do not have the pleasure to be on the streets manifesting myself. But as along as I see, in my country , the impunity, I will protest."
Em seguida, os manifestantes foram até o Theatro Municipal. Lá, um professor alegou ter sido agredido por um policial militar. Caiu no chão e reclamou de dor. Um dos policiais sugeriu que ele fosse levado ao hospital, mas, no final, não foi levado a lugar algum.
Then the protesters went to the Municipal Theater. There, a teacher claimed to have been assaulted by a police officer. He felt to the ground and complained of pain. One of the officers suggested that he should been taken to hospital, but in the end, he was not taken anywhere.
Then the protesters went to the Municipal Theater. There, a teacher claimed to have been assaulted by a police officer. He felt to the ground and complained of pain. One of the officers suggested that he should been taken to hospital, but in the end, he was not taken anywhere.
A marcha dos manifestantes seguiu pela rua coronel Xavier de Toledo. Tal como durante todo o trajeto, a Polícia Militar tentava manter um cordão de isolamento entre os manifestantes e os estabelecimentos comerciais e bancos ao longo das ruas. Um rapaz encontrou uma lâmpada fluorescente num lixo e quebrou. Com o barulho, uma parte dessas pessoas começou a correr e a polícia militar foi atrás. Neste momento, um garoto que estava dentro de uma banca de jornal foi detido pelos policiais, conforme mostra o vídeo a seguir:
The march of protesters followed throw the Colonel Xavier de Toledo street. During the entire way, military police tried to keep a cordon between the protesters and the shops and banks along the streets. A guy found a fluorescent lamp in a garbage and broke it. With noise, some of these people started running and the military police went after. At this time, a boy who was inside a newsstand was arrested by police, as shown in the following video:
The march of protesters followed throw the Colonel Xavier de Toledo street. During the entire way, military police tried to keep a cordon between the protesters and the shops and banks along the streets. A guy found a fluorescent lamp in a garbage and broke it. With noise, some of these people started running and the military police went after. At this time, a boy who was inside a newsstand was arrested by police, as shown in the following video:
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