Everyone saw that the police surrounding the protesters from behind and ahead. The situation became a "pressure cooker" and, as such, the exhaust valve had to go somewhere. The police action was totally poorly planned. People began to choke with the teargas and started to cluster in the wall of Tok & Stok store as the police continued to fired more and more gas.
Em dado momento, as grades cederam e as pessoas foram buscar abrigo dentro da loja. Os funcionários ficaram atônitos com a situação, mas AJUDARAM, distribuindo água e indicando o caminho de saída. Não houve invasão alguma na loja. Outros manifestantes até gritaram para não destruir a loja e ninguém fez absolutamente nada! A única culpada da situação é a da polícia.
At certain point, the railings gave way and people were seeking shelter inside the store. Staff were amazed at the situation, but HELPED, distributing water and indicating the way out. There was no invasion at any store. Other protesters shouted up to not to destroy the store and no one did absolutely nothing! The only guilty of the situation is the police.
Agora o Estadão escreve o parágrafo abaixo:
Now the editorial Estadão wrotes the paragraph below:
""Na manifestação de anteontem que terminou em confronto na Marginal do Pinheiros e culminou na invasão da loja de móveis Tok&Stok, porém, nenhum manifestante detido foi indiciado. Na confusão, policiais militares e mascarados entraram em conflito quando a passeata de estudantes da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) foi impedida de seguir até o Palácio dos Bandeirantes. Eles pediam eleição direta para reitor.""
"In the demonstration of yesterday that ended in confrontation in the Marginal Pinheiros and culminated in the invasion of Tok & Stok furniture store, but none detained demonstrator were charged. In the confusion, and masked demonstrators and the military police clashed themselves when the student demonstration from the University of São Paulo (USP) was prevented from following up to the Bandeirantes Palace. They demanded direct election of the rector. ""
Quem ainda não viu o vídeo desta situação, por favor assista e forme sua própria opinião. Estão inventando esta febre de "caos badernista" para desviar a atenção da população do escândalo do Metrô/Alckmin.
Those who has not seen yet the video of this night, please watch and form your own opinion. They are inventing this fever "anarchyst chaos" to divert population attention from the scandal of the Subway / Alckmin.
Vídeo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-GxPCtyCl0
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