Vagabundo fdp psicopata mata ex-namorada com tiro no olho
Menor criminoso matou ex-namorada com tiro no olho. Logo após o crime, ocorrido ontem (10/04/2014), ele fez o vídeo abaixo com o celular (cenas fortes). De acordo com o editorial do Correio Braziliense, o assassino covarde cometeu o crime um dia antes de completar 18 anos.
Yorrally Ferreira tinha 14 anos e teria namorado o autor do crime. Pela legislação brasileira, se o criminoso responder pelo crime, ficará preso por no máximo 3 anos (limite da "medida socioeducativa)....
Underage criminal has killed ex-girlfriend with a gunshot in the eye. Right after the crime, that took place yesterday, April 10th, 2014, the murderer did the video above with is cellphone (strong scenes). According with the editorial Correio Braziliense, the coward criminal has commited the crime one day early of his 18-years-anniversary.
Yorrally Ferreira was 14-years-old and would have dated the criminal. According with the Brazilian law, if the author of this crime answer for Ferreira's death, he will be detained for a maximum period of 3 years, which is the limit of the so called "socioeducative measure"....
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